22 September 2005

Quick thoughts on Season 2, Episode 1 Man of Science, Man of Faith

Season 2 has officially begun. The first episode was extremely good. Most of my friends I've talked to about it feel the same way I do about the beginning. . .it was weird and even a bit creepy.

When I first learned the title of the episode, I figured it was going to be Jack against Locke. But I'm not so sure of that anymore (could the man of science and man of faith both be Jack?). Could certainly be taken that way based on some of the dialogue from the episode.

We know whats in the hatch. Good question to have answered. Unfortunately, just like the end of Exodus 2, we've been left with even more questions. Why is what's in the hatch there? How long has it been there? What is it doing there? Is it related to the "monster"? And these are only questions about the hatch. . .still don't know anything about the people who were on the raft. Guess we just have to wait another week before learning some answers and, more than likely, getting a whole new set of questions about the raft people.


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